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Annual Golf Outing

2022 CSCMP Scholarship Golf Outing

CSCMP Columbus Roundtable is hosting our annual Golf Tournament benefiting the The Bernard J. LaLonde Scholarship and the Columbus Roundtable Student Conference Scholarships on Friday, June 7th, 2019 teeing off at 12:00 PM. We would like you to join us for fun, networking and a round of golf this spring.

You don’t have to be a skilled golfer to enjoy the fun and networking at this beautiful 18-hole course in New Albany. Whether you like a sporting challenge or just like to be with other supply chain colleagues, June 16th is a day you should plan to be away from the office – mark your calendars now!

CSCMP Members

CSCMP Guests

All Foursomes


Tournament Info

Date: June 7th, 2019

Place: New Albany Links Golf Club, 7100 New Albany Links Dr, New Albany, OH 43054

Time: 11:00 AM registration and lunch with a 12:00 PM shotgun start

Format: Scramble

Participants: Leading Supply Chain Professionals in Metro Columbus, Ohio, and Midwest

Additional Info

Events during the day will include:

  • Lunch buffet starting at 11:00 AM EST
  • 12:00 PM Shotgun start among four person teams to play 18 holes (all groups of players tee off simultaneously from different holes)
  • Proximity Contests (Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, and others!)
  • Gift Certificate $ for members of each team finishing 1st and 2nd place

You can register individually or as a group. Since there will be teams of four to play the course, individuals and groups of less than 4 will be paired before the event – this is a great way to meet people!

If you are looking forward to the spring, you should book your calendar now for a day of networking with colleagues, friendly competition on the golf course and a breath of fresh air. How often can you do all of this and help others who need it most? Proceeds from the event will benefit a The Bernard J. LaLonde Scholarship and the Columbus Roundtable Student Conference Attendance Scholarships.

We anticipate this event selling out quickly, so please register early to reserve your spot.

Sponsorship Opportunities


$2,000 (limit 1)

  • Top Billing on e-mails and flyers
  • Recognition on check in sign and signage during awards banquet
  • Recognition on sign in sheet and Sponsor poster
  • One foursome provided day of event
  • Option to bring golf themed Company promotion items to hand out at registration
  • Association with prize giveaway to the winner
  • Recognition in html e-mail sent to entire CSCMP Columbus e-mail list and on our website


$1000 (limit 2)

  • Recognition on sign and Sponsor Sheet
  • One foursome
  • Option to bring Company promotion items to hand out at registration
  • Association with prize giveaway to the winner
  • Recognition at Awards Ceremony
  • Recognition in html e-mail sent to entire CSCMP Columbus e-mail list and on our website

Longest Drive / Closest to Pin / Longest Putt

$125 (limit 3)

  • Recognition on sign and sponsor sheet
  • Recognition at prize give away to winner
  • Recognition in html e-mail sent to entire CSCMP Columbus e-mail list and on our website

All Other Sponsorships


  • Recognition on sign (or hole) and sponsor sheet
  • Recognition in html e-mail sent to entire CSCMP Columbus e-mail list and on our website
  • Prize giveaway sponsors will be recognized at award ceremony
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